So here it goes, my first post in my first blog. I guess I am going to have to get over this feeling of self indulgent narcissism and my uncomfortable-ness (is that a word) in front of the camera.
I am a fashion designer in training and a fashion devotee by nature. Clothing is art you live your life in, it is a declaration of identity. It should be an adventure and an exploration; if you're not having fun getting dressed in the morning..well then you should be. My day to day style changes constantly, influenced by whatever i see, read, touch or feel...
My plan at the start is every monday to post an outfit and throughout the rest of the week I will simply post ideas, inspirations, loves, hates and whatever else comes to mind. As i develop my design portfolio my own work will be featured more...
All photo's of me are taken by my dear friend and beautiful photographer, Ali Winston, please look at her work, she's amazing!

Dress- American Gold
Jacket- thrifed and DIY studded
Boots- thrifted
Hat- target
Bracelet- bought at a street market in NY
Ring 1- thrifted
Ring 2- DIY wire wrapped
Love this! I look forward to more beautiful pictures and thoughts from you Jessie.